+91 9958959008  


Samvad teleprompter supports free mixing of fonts and languages. It supports unicode as well as TTf fonts. Mostly fonts that work well with Microsoft Word, work well in Samvad as well. So far, it is has been used for prompting in English, Hindi, Gurmukhi, Kannada, Telugu, Oriya, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Nepali, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Urdu and various other regional languages, but it is expected to work equally well with international languagaes like Spanish, Russian, French etc.

Feature Type: Essential
Supported in versions: All: Samvad Plus, Samvad Quick Pro, Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Dual Screen

All Samvad teleprompters are dual screen prompters. Dual screen is basically providing two screens with the same script/story; one with speaker/talent and one with operator. This allows the operator to control the operations for the anchor as he/she also has a real-time view of the talent screen. It frees up the talent to concentrate on delivering the text and not be bothered about controlling speed or changing text etc. Operator gets total control of what the talent sees.

Feature Type: Essential
Supported in versions: All: Samvad Plus, Samvad Quick Pro, Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Prompting font size 20-150

Samvad allows speaker to adjust and modify the font size of the text between 20 points to 150 points.

Feature Type: Essential
Supported in versions: All: Samvad Plus,Samvad Quick Pro ,Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Prompt .docx, .txt file

Text/Scripts can be imported in Samvad using .txt or .docx format files.

Feature Type: Essential
Supported in versions: All

Adjustable Prompt Speed

To allow everyone to speak at their own pace, prompting speed has to be adjustable. Samvad offers a broad range of speed to allow slow and thoughtful speaking as well as to rush to other part of the text.

Feature Type: Essential
Supported in versions: All: Samvad Plus, Samvad Quick Pro, Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Control Option

Control Options provide various types of controls like Serial Control, Android Control, Desk Control, and Presentation Control to control and operate the prompting story during speech. It enables the reader to control all the commands like play/pause, speed, toggle, skip and previous to navigate the story during speech.

Feature Type: Essential
Supported in versions: All: Samvad Plus, Samvad Quick Pro, Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Color Selection (forecolor/background)

This feature enables operator/presenter select the forecolor/background color according to his/her preference for the playing time story on the teleprompter. It gives the facility to choose color for the text and scrolling background of the story during playing time of the speech. The coloring of the live story text will not affect editor’s story in the editor story rundown that will remain the same.

Feature Type: Basic
Supported in versions: Samvad Quick Pro, Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Cloak Text

Cloak text is a simple feature that lets you mark text that should not be aired in the teleprompter screen. It comes handy when certain parts of the text needs to be verified before airing, or when backup text has been added for use as and when required.

Feature Type: Basic
Supported in versions: Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Prompt Powerpoint

Some Samvad versions also support prompting of Ms Office Powerpoint slides. In these versions the content of the slides are prompted on to the talent screen. This feature comes handy mostly in corporate shoots where graphs and results are required for the management to comment.

Feature Type: Basic
Supported in versions: Samvad Quick Pro

Color Selection: Font / Background

This features allows the anchor to select font color and background color of the text as per his/her preference.

Feature Type: Basic
Supported in versions: Samvad Quick Pro, Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Off the shelf remote

Most versions of Samvad can be operated with using off the shelf powerpoint remotes. It not only gives you the flexibility to create backup but also to use your favourite remote that you are used to.

Feature Type: Basic
Supported in versions: Samvad Quick Pro

In-Built Text Editor

In-built text editor lets you edit text as and when required. There is no need to open for edit, edit, save, re-import to implement a simple change in script. It saves time and also ensures that always the most relevant copy of script is present in the prompter.

Feature Type: Basic
Supported in versions: Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Bracket Handling

This feature provides specific colors to be shown to all brackets like curly bracket, angle bracket and square bracket. It enables if operator/presenter want to specify and shortlist some content from the story. For example, if you want to underline some main important content, you can put that content in a brackets (square, angle or curly) and command it a color of your choice and the particular content will show on that color only.

Feature Type: Broadcast
Supported in versions: Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Live Editing

Live Editing is a special feature, which applies change or modification to the live running story on the teleprompter. Live Editing gives you the facility to edit the text on playing time during live speech/recording. The operator/presenter can edit the story whenever wherever he/she feels the need to edit and that will show immediately on the teleprompter. It is useful when we have to update some important news or live question answer session at live speech. This feature enables you to edit as your preference at the time of prompting the story on the teleprompter.

Feature Type: Broadcast

stage teleprompter transportation case

Run-Order Management

Run-order Management gives the facility of managing the story/script run-order (a collection of multiple stories) and also can make multiple run-orders. In Run-order management, reader can manage the story/script run-order with the options like create, open, delete and import. Reader can create many stories in one run-order and can add more stories, also can import stories from other drives, can delete some stories which he/she wants.

Feature Type: Broadcast
Supported in versions: Samvad Plus, Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Reader Management

Reader management provides anchor profile where he/she can manage his story rundown and can open and operate anytime. For example, it enables reader to manage background color, text color, text size, prompting speed and reading speed in the story rundown, and modify the story.

Feature Type: Broadcast
Supported in versions:Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Anchor Messages

Anchor Messages gives the facility of providing Anchor Messages. This feature enables reader to see any update, instruction or suggestion which is not mention in the story but need to inform the reader during live speech. For example, if the time duration of the speech has done but reader is still on, so he’ll immediately get the message of “Time Over”.

Feature Type: Broadcast
Supported in versions:Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Date-Time Display

In Date-Time Display, Date and Time are displayed on the top right-corner of the teleprompting screen. Reader can see the date and time during the whole session of speech whenever he/she feels needful. This feature enables reader keep on alerted and updated with the present date and time.

Feature Type: Broadcast
Supported in versions: Samvad Plus, Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Block Story

This feature lets you mark stories in the run order that should not be run on the teleprompter screen. This feature is usually used in news rooms to keep certain stories that are not to be played under original planning but are still kept in the run order as backup.

Feature Type: Broadcast
Supported in versions: Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Folder Sync

This option lets you sync your Run order with a folder. All the files in the folder are imported into rundown as stories and any changes in the folder are updated in the run order in real time. For example: if a script is deleted from the synced folder, then that script is automatically removed from the run order as well. This feature is very usefull in smaller channels where NRCS and other integration tools are not used. Small teams can manage operations using a simple shared folder, and achieve results equivalent to central integration.

Feature Type: Broadcast
Supported in versions: Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Any story Play

This feature lets you play any story in the run-order with a double click. It gives the bulletin producer the flexibity to not stick to the order of the run down and move to any story by simply double clicking. Played stories are marked red in Run order, just like other played stories and normal execution continues from this story in normal course of play.

Feature Type: Broadcast
Supported in versions: Samvad Professional, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Smoother Scroll

Using latest technology and harware acceleration, latest versions of Samvad have been able to achieve a much more smoother scroll, as compared to older versions. For Broadcast users, this is a big bonus, as now Samvad, inspite of being a software driven teleprompter can give a scroll as smooth as hardware driven teleprompters.

Feature Type: Broadcast
Supported in versions: Samvad Quick Pro, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

bookmark feature in prompting software


A bookmark is a saved shortcut to a specific position in a story. User/Presenter can add bookmark to any story of rundown. While prompting, user can jump to any saved bookmark in rundown, and prompting will start from that position. This feature comes handy, when we want to skip a portion of text from our story, due to time constraint or any other reason, or, when we want to quickly move to another section of story, may be to answer a live question or to highlight an immediate happening. Whatever be the reason, Bookmark, gives you the flexibility to navigate between different text points with ease.

Feature Type: Broadcast
Supported in versions: Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS

Advanced Font Support

Although, all Samvad versions are multi-lingual and support Unicode and TTf fonts, Additional font support has been introduced in few versions to enable better support for regional and international fonts. Hence, versions with advanced font support might support fonts that are not supported on other versions. For non-standardized fonts , it always advisable to contact us and get the font support tested before purchase.

Feature Type: Advanced
Supported in versions: Samvad Quick Pro, Samvad Prime, Samvad MOS